Exploring the Bay Area’s Shoreline Lake as a Birder

Mary Streshly
2 min readMar 28, 2023

Mary E. Streshly is an established presence in the California educational community who serves as senior advisor and acting superintendent in residence with the California Collaborative for Educational Excellence. Passionate about nature and conservation, Mary Streshly enjoys activities such as hiking and bird watching in her free time.

One of the ideal spots for gaining close-up views of waterbirds in the San Francisco Bay Area is Shoreline Lake. This artificial saltwater lake along the bay in Mountain View offers year-round birding, with gulls and waterfowl taking roost in large numbers throughout the winter. Among the other winter birds present are the eared grebe and surf scoter (in abundance), while the Barrow’s goldeneye and horned grebe are less common. Ducks and the occasional ocean-going bird also reside here over the winter. The ideal way to arrive at the lake is from Charleston Slough in the west, or from the salt ponds to the north.

As winter moves to spring, a breeding colony on a small island in the lake composed of Forster’s terns and black skimmers emerges. March is an excellent time to view both winter and spring species. Great and snowy egrets are tolerant of visitors on the trails, and can be seen year-round on the 2.5-mile walking loop foraging in the wetlands around the lake.



Mary Streshly

Experienced California Educator, Administrator Mary Streshly, PhD